Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 10 and 11 of Construction

January 27, 2014  

(I'm actually writing this on Tuesday, the 28th.)
Yesterday kind of sucked. No, it did suck. As I've aforementioned, the communication between the construction foreman and the rest of us leaves much to be desired. Apparently, there was a...rather wide gap in communication yesterday. We were told the crew wasn't going to be here until around noon. What time do they actually show up?


So, as you can imagine, that was very unexpected, especially for my mother, God bless her soul, who was busying herself in the kitchen, trying to get our diabetic doggie fed, and men are crashing around on the back deck causing a bunch of racket and blasting their stereo.
They removed the covering on the outside of the kitchen window whilst Mom was standing right inside the at the counter. Dust and dirt and whatever else littered the counter-tops (as well as anything else that might have been lying around unsuspecting).

Needless to say, we were all pretty upset about that. Don't misunderstand; I'm glad progress is being made, I want our house to be completely repaired as soon as possible and for that to happen the work has to be done. What's upsetting about it is the apparent lack of consideration for us and our schedule.
We've tried to inquire multiple times as to when they'll be working and at what times so that we can do our best to be out of the house and out of their way. Continuously we get the same run around. Either it "depends on the weather," which, I understand that to a certain extent, or they tell us one time and show up at another. In my opinion, that's inconsiderate and disrespectful.

So I'll be relieved when all of this is over with. It's pretty much a pain in the ass.

What they actually did yesterday was remove all the old boards from the floor of the back porch and put new ones down. Definitely looks a lot different. They also had to go up in the attic yesterday afternoon for something. I don't really know what they were doing, but I heard what sounded like sawing. So, not sure about that.

January 28, 2014 - Tuesday   

This morning I was forced to get up before 8 o'clock. For me, getting up even before 10 is something to be proud of. (I don't remember if I've mentioned it, but I have a chronic sleep disorder.)
We got up, got ourselves ready, and brought all the necessities with us out to the camper. It's been a while since we've had to stay out here. I'm sitting in here now as I write this.

I was so tired this morning that I felt like I needed more sleep to be able to function properly.
So I lay down on the bottom bunk and snuggled deep down in my sleeping bag, trying to warm up a little. It took me a while to fall asleep again, but I did sleep, however stiffly, for a while. My neck and shoulders are sore, but my mind feels more awake than it did first thing this morning.

The crew arrived as we were heading out the door earlier. I think they're gone now. They came to put the new door in on the back side of the house and touch up a few things here and there on the actual porch. I think there are some more guys coming sometime today to inspect the drywall/ceiling damage that was made by the roofers.

It's super cold and overcast today. I think there could be a chance of snow later. I love snow, but I really hope it holds off at least until we get some insulation back in the attic.

According to Google it is currently 27 degrees and is expected to snow. Heh...         

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