Wednesday, April 24, 2013

That Offends Me!

I have a question for you, Reader: How many times (try to count) have you heard that? Five? Eight? Fifteen? Lost track?

Me? Yeah, I've lost track of how many times I've heard (or seen) someone say that something offends them. Have you ever said that about something? If so, let me ask you another question: What exactly do you wish to accomplish by stating that you're offended? I really would like to know. Or if you're not one to state how you feel about everything that ever comes up, have you ever thought about why people even bother to say they're offended? I mean, really, come on! What good does it do to notify everyone around you that something you disagree with upset you so much that you must make it known? What will it change?

You know what it will change?


Because honestly, no one really cares that you are offended. Because everyone has a right to their own beliefs, their own views, their own opinions. And no one will ever always agree with anyone else. Even your best friend, your twin brother, your husband/wife, is different from you. That's the great thing about humans: we are all different from one another. It's a beautiful thing, really. Think about it. No one in the world who has ever lived or ever will live is exactly the same as anyone else. Do you know how many people have walked this earth? Do you? No. You don't. No one does. It would be like trying to count the stars. Or the grains of sand on a beach. It's not possible. Everyone is an individual. Everyone is beautifully unique. And that's a wonderful thing. So of course there are people who will disagree with you. So what? What's the big deal? Why get offended?

Here's yet another question for you: Do you like being disrespected? Do you like it when people are rude to you? How about when someone calls you names? How about when you share (politely) your view on something you feel is important and someone says, "How dare you say that!? That is offensive! I am offended!"? You see? You don't even have to be rude to offend someone. Maybe they're just overly sensitive. Maybe they hate being disagreed with because they think they're right about everything. Or maybe it's some other reason that no one knows about nor will ever find out about. Either way, getting offended about something really doesn't do anything at all. It's not like the offender is going to change their mind or apologize for having a different view.

Just like you have a right to your own opinion, so everyone else has just as much a right to theirs. 

If you're reading this, then I"m going to make the assumption that you are a human being. I'm going to say that that is a pretty safe assumption. And as such, you probably like when others treat you with dignity and respect. Right? I know I appreciate those things. So then it would seem that other human beings like to be treated with dignity and respect also. Makes sense right? So I think we can conclude that just because someone shares their views, which may not line up with yours, does not mean they are being disrespectful, hateful, or offensive. Yes, some people are rude and name-callers and jerks. But that doesn't mean that we should be rude name-calling jerks back.

Well, that's my opinion. I hope that you enjoyed reading it. If it offends you, that wasn't my intent or purpose, so you have no reason to be offended, in my opinion. And also, I don't really care.

I hope you come back. Until then, Reader, I say: Courage to you, and I, as we sally forth!

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