Have you ever wondered what the point is? Ever wondered why you keep repeating the same thing day after day, month after month, and year after year? Have you ever felt like you were just wasting time, like your very life was wasting away? If not, that's great. It must be only me. But I doubt it.
You see, I'm going to be extremely honest here; I feel like my life is going nowhere. I feel like there's no point, no purpose to my existence. I know that's not true, of course, but right now, that's the way I feel. And the thing is, I don't know what to do about it. I mean, I've prayed, that's obviously the first thing to do when I start to feel hopeless and depressed. And it's not that I expect God to answer me right away or that the solution will come down from heaven and slap me in the face....but, I would like something. Anything.
Honestly though, I haven't really heard much from God lately. I haven't heard Him, haven't felt Him, haven't seen Him... Oh yeah, that's right. No one's seen Him. Never mind. But it's a little...okay, a lot...discouraging when I have no directions. I feel like I'm wandering around lost, not knowing which way I should go, what I'm supposed to be doing. I can't begin to count how many times I've prayed for guidance and direction. And you know what? Still nothing. Nada.
So what do I do? I can't keep on wandering around. I can't become depressed. Again. I can't lose hope, for as it says in Romans 4:18 "Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping..." And I bet Abraham sometimes felt the same way I do. I bet he had days where he felt like giving up all hope because he was really old and I mean, things don't exactly work the same way when you get to be that old, know what I'm sayin'? So, God's promise that he would have a son wasn't looking very reassuring. But he had faith that God would make good on His promise. And at the ripe old age of 100 years, Abraham and his wife Sarah had a kid. A son. Just like God promised. Took a while, and some mistakes were made along the way on the part of Abraham and Sarah, but it happened.
So, I guess I answered my own question, in a way. What do I do? Be patient. Have faith. And even when everything in my life (and in my mind) tells me that there's no reason to hope, keep on hoping. Keep believing that God, in His timing, not mine, will make good on His promises. That yes, everything does happen for a reason, even if I don't understand it at the time. And though these things are sometimes hard to do, it will be worth it. To everything there is a season.
So my friends, courage to you, and I, as we sally forth.
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